Successful transfer isn't LUCKY, it's intentional.

Homeschooling for College Credit

  • Non Transferable?!?

    Most 2-year degrees are not designed to transfer to a 4-year university, but in this class, you'll learn how to make sure yours does.

  • Burning time & money

    Intentional planning assures that every penny is carefully and intentionally spent on credit that WILL transfer.

  • Don't go!

    Colleges don't want you to leave, so they aren't especially motivated to teach you how to transfer well.

Course curriculum

    1. About HS4CC Academy

    2. Welcome to the Class

    3. 2-Year Degree Learning Guide

    1. The ABC's of Associate Degrees

    2. Pop Quiz

    3. Two Types of Associate Degrees

    4. Pop Quiz

    5. Associate Degree Infographic

    6. Choosing the right Associate Degree for the Job

    7. Snag #1 Solution

    8. Terminal Degree (AAS) Tip

    1. Ugh Accreditation

    2. Pop Quiz

    3. List of Regional Accreditors

    4. U.S. Department of Education

    5. Snag #2 Solution: Demonstration

    1. General Education & State Authority

    2. General Education FAQ

    3. Pop Quiz

    4. Snag #3 Solution

    1. Nesting Principle: Articulation Agreements

    2. Articulation Agreements by State

    3. 35 States with Guaranteed DEGREE Transfer

    4. 38 States with Guaranteed COURSE Transfer

    5. 16 States with Challenges

    6. Pop Quiz

    1. The rise of Associate's Degrees

    2. Why You'll Hit a Snag

    3. Stay put!

    4. Pop Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 3-hours
  • Intermediate

Beat the Odds

43% of students lose credit when they transfer

Losing credit when you transfer isn't just frustrating, it's expensive and sets your student back months or even years. Credit loss is avoidable! Learning how the system works gives you an advantage and access to information typically only held by a college's Registrar.


Instructor Bio:

Jennifer’s professional work inside the system for 20 years inspired her to start advocating for parents outside the system in 2012. Each year, Jennifer teaches tens of thousands of homeschooling parents how to make the most of their teen's high school career through resourceful high school planning.

Homeschool Specialist | Former College Administrator | Non-traditional college credit expert | Homeschool Advisory Committee Member at multiple colleges

Jennifer Cook-DeRosa, MS

Executive Director of Homeschooling for College Credit